HTTP(S) Data - Hyperquack

Hyperquack (and Quack) is Censored Planet’s measurement techniques that measure application-layer interference using the Echo, Discard, HTTP, and HTTPS protocols. Below, we provide a detailed overview of Hyperquack, and the data formats of Hyperquack data published on the Censored Planet website. Refer to our academic papers for more information about Quack and Hyperquack.


To provide raw data for easy data analysis, we made the following changes:

  1. Split data based on the country of vantage points so that it is easier to select and download data according to users’ country of interest.

  2. Separated the data collection phase and data analysis phase. Right now the Hyperquack data from our raw measurement data website is truthful to the data collected without further analysis. We deprecated the “anomaly” field since there are misunderstandings that anomaly represents censorship.

  3. Added new data containing further metadata fields and flattened nested data for easy analysis. Modified field names for disambiguation purposes.

    • domainString

      The test domain being queried.

    • domain_is_controlBoolean

      Equals true if the queried domain is for the liveness test.

    • dateString

      The date of the measurement.

    • start_timeString

      The start time of the measurement.

    • end_timeString

      The end time of the measurement.

    • server_ipString

      The IP address of the vantage point.

    • server_netblockString

      The netblock the vantage point belongs to.

    • server_asnString

      The AS number of the AS the vantage point resides in.

    • server__as_nameString

      The name of the AS the vantage point resides in.

    • server__as_full_nameString

      The full name of the AS the vantage point resides in.

    • server__as_classString

      The class of the AS the vantage point resides in.

    • server_countryString

      The country the vantage point resides in.

    • server_organizationString

      The IP organization the vantage point resides in.

    • sourceString

      Tar file name of the measurement.

    • received_errorString

      Flatten error messages from the received responses.

    • received_status: String

      Flatten status code from the received responses.

    • received_headers: String

      Parsed HTTPS page headers.

    • received_body: String

      Parsed HTTPS page body.

    • received_tls_version: String

      Parsed TLS version.

    • received_tls_cipher_suite: String

      Parsed TLS cipher suite.

    • received_tls_cert: String

      Parsed TLS certificate.

    • received_tls_cert_common_name: String

      Parsed common name field from TLS certificate.

    • received_tls_cert_alternative_names: String

      Parsed alternative name field from TLS certificate.

    • received_tls_cert_issuer: String

      Parsed issuer field from TLS certificate.

    • matches_template: Boolean

      Equals true if the response given by the vantage point matches the known template.

    • no_response_in_measurement_matches_template: Boolean

      Equals true if the responses from all the trials failed to match the known template.

    • controls_failed: Boolean

      Set to true when all control probes sent to the vantage point fail to match the known template. This implies that the mismatching responses are due to an error in the vantage point or the network, not censorship. Rows with controls_failed set to true should not be considered for analysis.

    • stateful_blockBoolean

      Equals true if another control probe sent immediately after our sensitive probes is blocked, but the second control measurement sent after 2 minutes was not.

Hyperquack-v1 (deprecated)

Figure - Overview of Hyperquack-v1

Figure - Overview of Hyperquack-

Quack-v1 and Hyperquack-v1 were operated from August 2018 to April 2021. Quack-v1 detects application-layer interference using the Echo and Discard protocols. Quack-v1’s workflow is pictured in Figure 1.

  • From a remote measurement machine, we send an HTTP get look-alike request containing a non-sensitive control URL to a vantage point’s Echo or Discard port. Vantage points are selected from infrastructural servers such as ISP routers to minimize risk to their owners. We observe the result, and if the port is responding incorrectly according to its protocol, we abort the test, mark the vantage point as broken, and remove the vantage point from our test list.

  • If the control test succeeds, we then send an HTTP get look-alike request containing a potentially sensitive URL to the vantage point. If the vantage point responds correctly, we record that there is not an anomaly. If the vantage point responds incorrectly, we repeat the request up to four more times. If any such request results in a correct response, we again record that there is not an anomaly.

  • If all five requests result in incorrect responses, we then send another request containing a control keyword. If this request results in a correct response, we record the possibility of interference.

  • If this control request results in an incorrect response, we wait some time then resend the request, to account for stateful interference. If the second request fails, we mark the vantage point as broken and remove the vantage point from our test list. If the request results in a correct response, we mark both potential interference and stateful interference.

Hyperquack-v1 is built up from the Quack-v1 protocol to include support for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. Before performing any tests, we send multiple HTTP get requests containing non-sensitive control URLs to each of the vantage points we are testing. If the responses to all of the requests are consistent, the responses are stripped of dynamic content such as cookies and turned into a template for the vantage point. Then when performing the tests with the sensitive keywords, we compare the vantage point’s response to its template.

Our various publications and reports have used Quack-v1 and Hyperquack-v1 to detect many cases of application-layer interference. For instance, in our recent investigation into the filtering of COVID-19 websites , Quack-v1 was used to detect censorship in unexpected places like Canada.

Hyperquack-v2 (deprecated)

Hyperquack-v2 is our new version of both the Quack and Hyperquack measurement techniques. We’ve restructured the system to work as a request-based measurement server rather than a single-use measurement program. A user will run the program on a machine that will act as a server, and then users can interact with the program using a JSON API. The implications of this restructure are as follows.

  • Flexibility in Scheduling - Unlike in Quack-v1 and Hyperquack-v1, when a scan is performed using Hyperquack-v2, a list of vantage points are added to Hyperquack-v2, then test keywords are added as work for the server to complete. When adding work, the user can specify which vantage points that work applies to, such as specifying all the vantage points in a given country, all the vantage points in a given subnet, or simply a list of specific vantage points. This allows users to more easily schedule targeted scans. To make differentiating between these concurrent scans easier, we also added a tagging system that allows for the output of Hyperquack-v1 to be redirected to custom files

  • On-the-fly Changes to Scans - As a scan is running, the user can call endpoints to add work, add more vantage points, or remove vantage points. This further increases the flexibility of Hyperquack-v2, as scans can be updated in the middle of running as opposed to being re-run with updated parameters in Quack-v1 and Hyperquack-v1.

  • Stronger Vantage Point Evaluation - In Quack-v1 and Hyperquack-v1, if a vantage point responded incorrectly to control probes, it would be completely removed from the scan. Since Hyperquack-v2 is continuously running, we have made it so a vantage point that fails one of the intermittent ‘health checks’ that Hyperquack-v2 performs has the potential to come back after a user-defined period of time. This will allow for greater coverage in cases where a vantage point experiences momentary failure.

  • Ability for More Complex Scheduling - This paradigm allows for far more complex scheduling of work than the previous system. In future, our goal is to produce a system where users that want a scan performed can submit the scan parameters to a scheduler server, which will then send that work to any number of worker servers, each running an instance of Hyperquack-v2. This paradigm will allow for multiple workloads to be scheduled simultaneously alongside any rapid response scans that crop up.

Below is a list of the other major changes we’ve made to Hyperquack-v2.

  • Combining Quack and Hyperquack - Hyperquack-v2 combines the Quack and Hyperquack measurement methods by creating a standard interface for how internet protocols can be used for internet censorship measurement. With this interface, new protocols can be easily added to Hyperquack-v2.

  • Changes to Output Format - In addition to the output from censorship trial, Hyperquack-v2 outputs the results of the previously mentioned ‘health checks’ from vantage points. This output is very similar to the trial output, with the change that if the ‘health check’ is passed, a template will be included. All responses from the vantage point will be compared to the template to detect interference. At the moment, the templates for the Echo and Discard protocols are pre-defined by the protocol, so only the HTTP and HTTPS protocols will have these dynamically-computed templates included.


While Hyperquack-v2 includes multiple trials intended to avoid random network errors, there is still a possibility that certain measurements are marked as anomalies incorrectly. To confirm censorship, it is critical that the raw responses are compared to known blockpage fingerprints. The blockpage fingerprints currently recorded by Censored Planet are available here. Moreover, network errors (such as TCP handshake and Setup errors) must be filtered out to avoid false inferences. Please use our analysis pipeline to process the data before using it.

Censored Planet detects network interference of websites using remote measurements to infrastructural vantage points within networks (eg. institutions). Note that this raw data cannot determine the entity responsible for the blocking or the intent behind it. Please exercise caution when using the data, and reach out to us at if you have any questions.